We had a great Sunday service followed by our church wide Thanksgiving meal.One thing we know how to do well in the south is cook and eat! Thank you again for all your hard work and love to one another.

Our message Sunday was out of psalm 100 and challenged us to GIVE THANKS!!! From deep in your heart a feeling of praise for how great our God is, makes us want to shout with Joy.As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving take time and remind yourself and those around you how” GREAT IS OUR GOD!” He is on the throne He loves you and has a plan for your life have a blessed week.

Just found out that I can update my website from my iphone!

We want to thank the Summit Church for helping us to set up our new website. Check out the Journey Fellowship on Sunday mornings at 9:45am!

Pastor Rocky

The Journey Fellowship of Durham is a church in the heart of Durham. We love being a part of this city and hope that God will use us to share the Gospel with our neighbors.